lllustration + animation
Captivating graphics, animated gifs and video
footage that communicate your message
Cisco Newsroom and social media graphics
From a mix of stock images and original artwork, a variety of graphics
and videos produced between 2012 and 2021 to complement
Cisco’s Newsroom blogs and features and deliver powerful narratives
through its social media platforms

Everything you need to know about Cisco and 5G from Mobile World Congress. Graphic link from Newsroom page, feature story illustration and social media graphic

Fueling Mexico’s Economic Transformation. Illustration for Newsroom page, feature story illustration and social media graphic
The power of communication. Guest post by Shelley Harper. To view blog, click on image.

Susie Wee on cloud developers. Social media graphic
How technology empowers women in STEM. Feature story on women and STEM. Animated gif link from Newsroom page, feature illustration and social media graphic. To view feature, click on image.

Global Citizen Partnership Announcement. Graphic link from Newsroom to third-party online article

Global Citizen Partnership Announcement. Graphic link from Newsroom to third-party online article

Cisco cloud experience. Generic graphic link from Newsroom for feature stories and social media graphics

5G in 2020. Generic graphic link from Newsroom for feature stories and social media graphics

Artificial Intelligence and networks. Generic animated gif for Newsroom page, feature illustration and social media graphic
Where COVID surges, Cisco brings empathy and expertise. To view feature, click on image.